Saturday, April 22, 2023

Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)

  • tags: ChatGPT Siemens artificial-intelligence AI

  • "With these potential productivity gains, every company should be spending a significant amount of their best employees time - right now! - figuring out how to use AI to improve performance."

    tags: ChatGPT future-of-work

    • In fact, anecdotal evidence has suggested that productivity improvements of 30%-80% are not uncommon across a wide variety of fields, from game design to HR
    • This is in large contrast to the long-standing belief that AI and automation would first come for dangerous and repetitive work. Instead, it is some of the most highly skilled and highly paid jobs that face the most exposure to AI.
    • AI can increase productivity for workers in fields where automation and economies of scale were previously very rare. These jobs often require more autonomy and encompass multiple types of tasks (teachers need to prep lessons, grade, write letters of recommendation, run classes, respond to parents, run after school programs, do administrative work, etc.). With the power to outsource the most annoying and time consuming parts of their jobs, workers in these industries are highly incentivized to adopt AI quickly, either to do less work or to be able to bill out more work themselves. It is a recipe for rapid adoption at the individual level.
    • With these potential productivity gains, every company should be spending a significant amount of their best employees time - right now! - figuring out how to use AI to improve performance.
    • And every worker should be spending time figuring out how to use these general-purpose tools to their advantage. They should be thinking about how to automate their job to remove the tedious and uncreative parts, and getting a sense for the disruption to come before the organizations they work for realize the full implications of AI.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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