Saturday, June 21, 2008

One additional writing discussing the challenge of Web 2.0 vs LMS's in HEd

The article written by Martin Weller, posted inside Michael Feldstein's blog (e-Literate) brings about once more the issue of the challenge institutions will be facing in dealing with the innovation of web 2.0 tools and the legacy of LMS's, which in fact represents an entire mindset of aggregating learning tools under one monolithic environment. With the speed of change of these tools, and the personal preferences of learners, it is clear that there is a good probability that LMS's might simply become empty.
SocialLearn: Bridging the Gap Between Web 2.0 and Higher Education at e-Literate

It is clear that institutions are aware of that. Some LMS companies are simply adding the tools to the LMS, but as mentioned above this is bound to break or at least not be an effective solution in the long run. The trend does represent a change in paradigm. A personalization of one's learning process. It is the representation of empowering the learners in its full extent, including in the selection of learning tools. I believe it is still not easy to predict the outcome, and the process might actually generate different threads in terms of compromises. An interesting issue that involves technology management, a change in pedagogy, organizational culture and issues of cost-efficiency.

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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Lots of people agree, it is just a matter of time...

Should LMS's include more tools in an effort to embrace the web 2.0 trend? What happens with the new tools constantly emerging ? Should we determine the tools that need to be used by learners and restrict creativity, going against the wave of user generated content and the sharing potential of these new tools? Such issues are at the forefront of online education, and have yet to be resolved. Wired Campus has a short note on this today, and the comments following this post are also very interesting...
Wired Campus: The Battle Between Web 2.0 and the Classroom -
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