Professional Web Accessibility Auditing Made Easy – Open Textbook
Accessibility Guidelines for United Nations Websites | UN
The 17 goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development contain explicit references to persons with disabilities (Sustainable Development Goal 4, SDG 8, SDG 10, SDG 11, and SDG 17), interconnecting these with the CRPD.
The Internet is an essential tool to access and provide information and services, particularly during a worldwide pandemic. A lack of accessible online information on how to prevent transmission of the virus by following guidelines, etc. may have fatal consequences for persons with disabilities. The COVID-19 pandemic is deepening preexisting inequalities, and persons with disabilities are disproportionately affected. Read the UN disability-inclusive Response to COVID-19.
Saturday, December 25, 2021
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
Saturday, December 18, 2021
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
Needs Analysis | Instructional Design Central (IDC)
tags: instructional design needs analysis instructional design
itákora - interaction craftswoman
tags: accessibility accesibilidad
Reflecting on the Evolving Badges and Credentials Ecosystem | WAO | We Are Open Co-op
tags: credentials openbadges microcredentials badges ecosystem
- Open Badges and Digital Badges are both visual.
- Verifiable Credentials, on the other hand, may use images, but do not have to
- The great thing about the move to Verifiable Credentials is that decentralised identifers can be used (as well as email addresses) to identify recipients.
- A microcredential is not a separate technical standard.
- Open Recognition is not a separate technical standard but rather a philosophical position about the nature of recognition in society.
- somewhat at odds with the idea of a ‘credential’.
- An Open Badge should live, not gather dust in a drawer.
- And if a badge is fake, it’s up to the humans to say so, the humans in the community of practice or professional who can spot a crook
- Different countries and cultures have varying expectations when it comes to education, skills development, and the recognition of learning.
Reflecting on a decade of Open Badges | Doug Belshaw | WAO | We Are Open Co-op
tags: credentials openbadges microcredentials badges
- There was a growing recognition that badges were useful tools for marketing, for talent acquisition, and for team formation.
- standardise on frameworks within badges were issued, for example the European MOOC Consortium who established the Common Microcredential framework.
- CAYG focuses on incremental credentialing in an attempt rather than the all-or-nothing approaches of bachelor’s degrees and the like.
- The next step, which is the move to Open Badges 3.0 and alignment with the W3C’s Verifiable Credentials standard, will be an interesting one.
tags: design learning instructional design instructional_design
Determining Environmental and Contextual Needs - Design for Learning
tags: design learning needs analysis instructional design needs-assessment
Saturday, December 11, 2021
Saturday, December 4, 2021
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
Adding WCAG Conformance Logos | Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) | W3C
tags: accessibility
tags: accessibility readability
tags: open education openbadges heutagogy andragogy oer commonwealth
Inclusive Design: Bring Web Accessibility to Your Nonprofit - MacArthur Foundation
tags: accessibility nonprofit foundation
tags: microcredentials framework
tags: microcredentials EU framework
Saturday, November 27, 2021
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
tags: microcredentials
tags: microcredentials
Saturday, November 20, 2021
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
Saturday, November 13, 2021
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
5 easy ways to make your data visualization more accessible — storytelling with data
tags: accessibility usability
Links | Usability & Web Accessibility
"Link Text It’s most important for link text to make sense without the surrounding sentences or content. The link text alone should convey the function and purpose of the link. Link text should also be unique and easy to speak out loud. Consider these guidelines when writing link text: Avoid link text like “Click Here,” “More,” and “Read More.” These kinds of links can be confusing when a screen reader reads them out of context. Use unique link text where possible. Speech recognition software users may have a bad experience with duplicated link text. It is OK to link a full sentence, but avoid longer. Use judgment when linking full URLs. When linking a URL, consider users who must speak it out loud and who must listen to a screen reader announce it. Fallbacks Occasionally, it may not be possible to make link text alone convey the link’s purpose out of context. In those cases, a few fallback strategies are available: The link together with the surrounding sentence, paragraph, or list item should be enough to convey a link’s meaning or purpose. You may give more context through the link’s title attribute. These approaches create a worse experience for users with disabilities, so they should a last resort."
tags: accessibility web usability
Defining micro-credentials: Opportunities and challenges in shaping the educational landscape
tags: microcredentials digital badges micro-credentials unesco
Principles | Principles for Digital Development
tags: digital development sustainability open
tags: justice equity design marginalization
Banco de Competencias Laborales | OIT/Cinterfor
tags: microcredentials digital-learning digital badges credentials digital-credentials competencies
Saturday, October 23, 2021
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
Do we need a theory for blended learning? | Tony Bates
tags: readability grade-level checker
- asynchronous online learning has generally reflected a more constructivist approach.
AUTOMATIC READABILITY CHECKER, a Free Readability Formula Consensus Calculator
tags: readability grade-level checker
tags: microcredentials digital badges digital-transformation microlearning
Saturday, October 16, 2021
Saturday, October 9, 2021
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
Use point-biserial to discriminate high and low performers | GradeHub
tags: change-management management change
- Point-biserial helps instructors know what makes a good or bad test question, and is essential for faculty developing exams for large class sections. The deciding factor between a good or bad test question is its ability to “discriminate” students who have mastered the material from those who have not. The key is to look at who is getting the item correct and who is getting it wrong. If only the high performing students are getting a question correct, it might be an indicator that the item is too hard.
- One of the most accepted ways to evaluate an item is to calculate a correlation. The technical term for the correlation used in exam item analysis is a point-biserial.
- A high point-biserial reflects the fact that the item is doing a good job of discriminating your high-performing students from your low-performing students.
- Values for point-biserial range from -1.00 to 1.00. Values of 0.15 or higher mean that the item is performing well
- Items with incorrect keys will show point-biserials close to or below zero.
- Point-biserials that are negative signal a big problem. With this pattern, the high-performing students are getting the answer wrong, and the low and/or mid performing students are getting it right
Home | Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) | W3C
tags: accessibility web
Digital Accessibility Foundations - Free Online Course | Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) | W3C
tags: accessibility web online course
tags: accessibility web
Saturday, September 25, 2021
Saturday, September 18, 2021
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
tags: intelligence transportation
tags: transportation intelligence
tags: intelligence transportation
tags: intelligence transportation
tags: transportation intelligence
tags: intelligence transportation
tags: intelligence transportation
tags: transportation intelligence
Saturday, September 4, 2021
Saturday, August 28, 2021
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
Open Badge eCredentials for Extended Enterprise Learning | Littoraly Don
tags: openbadges open-recognition badges
- It comes with a twist, focusing not on employee development, but on partner development in the value chain, with the goal of measurably improving customer satisfaction and sales growth.
tags: openbadges open-recognition badges
tags: openbadges open-recognition badges
- initially designed to recognise informal learning, Open Badges have been used efficiently by the enemies of informal learning and Open Recognition. If we do not pay attention, Open Badges could become the weapons of mass destruction of informal learning!
- Open Badges are overtly used to submit informal learning to the codes and rules of formal learning and, in doing so, destroy the very soul of informal learning.
- On our view, recent government attempts to try to formalise informal learning suggests an almost obsessive distrust of the role of judgement through agency
- The sub-text is that there is no recognition, at least, no valuable recognition, if not performed by or within an authoritative institution — school, college, university, employer, public authority, etc.
- Open Badges were designed to support the formal recognition of informal learning. They were never designed to address the informal recognition of informal learning.
- the actual place of informal recognition in those projects remains principally ancillary to formal recognition
- If institutions of formal education love badges, it is not so much because they are the instruments of innovation and transformation, but because they allow them to continue business as usual while pretending to do something new
- Another critical issue is that, before their invention, there was a clear separation between the formal and the informal spaces, and informal meant a sense of freedom and independence, at least not being under the scrutiny of institutions of formal education.
tags: openbadges open-recognition badges
Towards an Ethical Framework for Open Recognition | by Serge Ravet | Open Recognition | Medium
tags: openbadges open-recognition badges
Kirkpatrick and Open Badges: Can do better! | by Serge Ravet | Medium
tags: openbadges open-recognition badges
tags: openbadges open-recognition badges
tags: openbadges open-recognition badges
Competency Badges: the tail wagging the dog? | by Serge Ravet | Medium
tags: openbadges open-recognition badges
tags: openbadges open-recognition badges
tags: openbadges open-recognition badges
tags: openbadges open-recognition badges
tags: openbadges open-recognition badges
Learning Futures – Reflections on Learning, Technologies, Identities and Trust
tags: openbadges open-recognition badges
Full article: Wikipedia and open recognition: writing the future of work
tags: openbadges open-recognition badges
tags: openbadges open-recognition badges
All about Open Badges – Open Badge Info : Tout savoir sur les Open Badges
tags: badges openbadges open-recognition competency-based learning
Saturday, August 7, 2021
Saturday, July 31, 2021
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
Screenreader Comparisons | Paths to Technology | Perkins eLearning
tags: accessibility screenreader
Cómo hacer que la información sea accesible para todos | European Blind Union
6 consejos para crear contenido accesible en Word | EDUCACIÓN 3.0
(120) Comprobación de accesibilidad de documentos Office - YouTube
(120) Guía de accesibilidad para Word - YouTube
tags: youtube
Crear un documento de Microsoft Word accesible - Recomendaciones - Accesibles
Vídeo de aprendizaje sobre accesibilidad - Soporte de Office
Haga que los documentos de Word sean accesibles para personas con discapacidades.
An Integrative Approach to Student Understanding and Learning | Faculty Focus
Saturday, July 24, 2021
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
- technological environment means cheating is a more complex question than it once was
- In normal study we're asking students to collaborate together and learn together, because we know that social learning is really important for building up knowledge and sharing knowledge... so we're actually asking students to do this all the time, and then we get to an exam environment and we're asking for individual knowledge."
- rethink the entire area of online examinations, academic integrity and [how] academic misconduct is communicated to students."
Saturday, July 17, 2021
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
Learning theories and online learning | Tony Bates
tags: Tony Bates learning-theory distance education online learning
G:\1-New Folder Structure\2-Pagination\Els-UK\IHB\Latex-I044717\Ch12-I044717.dvi
Reskilling Post COVID-19: A Digital Transformation | RiseSmart
tags: digital badges digital-strategy digital-transformation microcredentials
- Digital credentialing is becoming a key differentiator for organizations that care about the employee experience and want to be viewed as employers of choice.
- Digital badges are a powerful way to offer continual opportunities for career development and recognition of new skills that are valued in the market.
An Era of Change: Remote Engagement, Multi-tasking, and Camera Policies | Faculty Focus
tags: engagement camera synchronous online learning online learning online-learning
Bridging the Digital Gap Through Technology Innovation -- Campus Technology
tags: technology innovation digital-divide digital-transformation
Increasing Student Engagement During Synchronous Online Classes | Faculty Focus
tags: synchronous online learning engagement
Saturday, July 10, 2021
Saturday, July 3, 2021
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
Student Perception of Stress in Online and Face-to-Face Learning: The Exploration of Stress Determin
tags: online learning face-to-face
Badges Need Rigor! (Or do they really?) - IBM Training and Skills Blog
tags: digital badges openbadges IBM skills training badges
- The debate about Open Badges has shifted from their use as a signal of achievement to a dialog about rigor and the qualifications to earn a badge
We wanted to make sure we protected the IBM brand, provided valuable, trusted credentials with real business value, and we wanted earners to share them frequently to improve their reputation. If they don’t have value, why bother claiming them? We developed standards, badge classifications and governance to guide our program and created process that would scale across the complex, vast world of IBM activities.
But, even with stringent processes, definitions and governance in place, I am frequently asked about rigor. “How much rigor is involved in this badge?” It’s the wrong question, because Open Badges were not designed to be relegated to activities with an arbitrary definition of rigor; they were designed to do much, much more.
- But badges are not exams – badges are not even activities. Open Badges are digital representations of information.
- Badges are about connecting people to opportunity.
- Open Badges can — no, must – be leveraged to capture passions and interests, as well as achievements
- Badges = Information you don’t even know you need
- Open Badges should also capture information about abilities which fall outside traditional assessment, and many of these abilities have real business value
- Speaking of the future, who will raise their hands to tell us which skills will be needed in the next workforce? A new study finds 85% of jobs that will exist in 2030 haven’t been invented yet. And if the World Economic Forum is correct, the skills for the future look very different from the skills today, and they are changing in front of our eyes
- As Open Badges have increased in adoption, the number of issuers and badges issued has risen dramatically. While some have expressed concern there are now too many badge issuers and too many badges, Serge Ravet, president of the Open Recognition Alliance, said he believes the opposite is true. Badges, he says, develop trust. Because they are transparent and provide information about the activity, a person viewing a badge can instantly determine the value, unlike resumes which frequently contain falsehoods. “If badges develop trust, how much trust is too much?” Ravet asks
- With badges, you should be able to identify and isolate the badges that matter to you — without having to sift through badges that may be valuable to someone else.
- We must make it easy to identify and distinguish badges for soft skills or self-identified passions from rigorous activities, like certification exams.
- we must find better ways to differentiate and classify badges.
The three biggest (perceived) problems with Open Badges | Open Thinkering
tags: digital badges openbadges belshaw
- the same ‘big three’ issues came up as potential concerns.
- Value
- Motivation
- Quality
- there are no gatekeepers
- The recognition that the badge consumer
- The ‘rigour’ of the criteria
- Value is an emergent property of systems. I could write much, much more on this, including discussions of fiat currencies and things that are used in place of currency for trusted exchanges.
- a result of poor learning design
- If badges are aspirational, if they recognise things that the learner feels proud of, and if they are part of a non-linear pathway, then I don’t think there’s a problem.
- The OBI is a method for issuing, exchanging, and displaying metadata-infused credentials
- To be clear, my first issue is with the way “high quality” is often equated with the traditional process and that process only.
- It takes a leap of faith to apply Open Badges to your core business
- Badges are a ‘trojan horse’ technology. They get people talking about things that usually remain latent within their organisation. Badges are also something into which people project their hopes, fears, and dreams
Saturday, June 19, 2021
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
A New Pedagogy Is Emerging... and Online Learning Is a Key Contributing Factor | teachonline.ca
El contenido es solo la mitad del desafío cuando se trata de enseñar - Abierto al Público
When it comes to teaching, content is only half the challenge - Abierto al público
Saturday, June 12, 2021
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
¿Qué es la accesibilidad web? Cómo cumplir con las directrices WCAG
Metodología para valorar y clasificar herramientas de evaluación de accesibilidad web
Illinois Online Course-in-a-Box | CITL
tags: higher education instructional design design online learning
Mapping Out a ‘Credential As You Go’ Movement For Higher Education | EdSurge News
tags: higher education openbadges open badges digital badges
- only approximately three out of five students finish any type of degree or certificate program within six years.”
- Its goals include creating a national credentialing system designed around what the journey through higher education and job training actually looks like for many people: intermittent, nonlinear and unpredictable.
- The idea of having a framework is it becomes purposeful. It’s not a one-time thing. How do we think about this from a systemic perspective?
- To that end, the leaders of “Credential As You Go” are planning a national campaign to raise awareness about how and why recognition for learning could change, perhaps by telling the stories of people who might benefit from more bite-sized credentials.
Saturday, May 29, 2021
Saturday, May 22, 2021
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
Standards from the QM Higher Education Rubric
tags: instructional design instructionaldesign QM rubric
What Makes a Successful Online Learner?
tags: success-online
How to Be a Successful Online Learner: 9 Tips & Strategies
tags: success-online
8 Strategies for Getting the Most out of an Online Class
tags: success-online
What Makes a Successful Online Student? - ION Professional eLearning Programs - UIS
tags: success-online
The Golden Principles of High-Quality Instructional Design
tags: instructional design instructionaldesign instructional design ID
A Quick Guide to Four Instructional Design Models
tags: instructional design instructionaldesign instructional design ID
Saturday, May 8, 2021
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
The Uses of Feminist Pedagogy Before, During, and After the Pandemic | Faculty Focus
tags: openbadges digital badges microcredentials jobmarket non-credit
- For many of us, this precarity drives home the point that feminist pedagogical theorists have made for decades: that we all, students and instructors, bring our lives with us to the classroom. In order to teach and to learn, we must be able to make connections between course content and our personal experiences. We must work to cultivate online learning environments in which we recognize how material circumstances (e.g., whether one has a job or job security, how hungry, stressed, or depressed one is, etc.) shape our ability to learn and teach.
- Feminist pedagogy, while not a panacea for solving all of our teaching challenges (how job insecurity affects our ability to teach, for instance), provides us with some strategies for making sure that our online teaching is not soulless, disembodied, and isolating for everyone involved.
Staying Competitive in a Post-Pandemic World with Microcredentials - The EvoLLLution The EvoLLLution
tags: openbadges digital badges microcredentials jobmarket non-credit