Los mejores editores gratuitos de archivos en PDF | Digital Trends Español
Aprende cómo convertir archivo de Kindle en PDF | Digital Trends Español
Adobe .PDF vs. Open-source. EPUB Comparison
- PDF files creates a static image — a picture — of each page.
- pdf text is not reflowable
- For users, however, there is a downside
- While EPUB is designed for reflowable text — meaning text that adjusts itself depending on the size of the display, the font being used (if the user is able to change fonts), the size of the text, and various other variables. EPUB can optimize for the particular display device, the readability for mobile devices is better than PDF.
- PDF users can easily create a PDF bookmark or add links to it, so that you can easier to navigate to particular pages
- we can easily fill out the PDF form
- EPUB does not support interactivity, it is read-only.
- EPUB is basically support text and images.
- For example, the handy built-in application iBooks on Apple iPad (iPhone, iPod Touch) supports only EPUB.
What is the difference between viewing eBooks in PDF and EPUB formats online? - Support - EBSCO Help
- Reflowable Text: When viewing EPUB format eBooks online, the text will “reflow” depending on the viewing window. This means it will re-size and change shape to fit the size and shape of the screen, like a webpage.
- PDFs are not reflowable
26 Breakthrough innovations at the world's open universities
Learning Design for Innovation « WCET Frontiers
- LEDi, a concept based in Design Thinking, provides leaders, learning designers, and facilitators with a simple and straight forward process for implementing course, program, and curriculum innovations.
- effectively plan and communicate learning designs
- Learning Environment Modeling™ is an easy-to-use tool for designing all levels of learning – from courses to programs to institutional curriculum.
- using the system to collaborate, redesign, and align programs with impressive efficiency and effectiveness.
- This system allows instructional designers to focus on learning design instead of being simply “course builders.
- Institute for Learning Environment Design, or ILED. ILED provides training and consulting using LEDi and Learning Environment Modeling™
Saturday, September 30, 2017
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
Saturday, September 23, 2017
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
tags: competency-based learning competencies competency framework consortium standards academic
Framework for 21st Century Learning - P21
tags: competency competency-based learning competencies technology skills framework standards learning
Learning from WGU: Five Key Practices | The EvoLLLution
tags: WGU CBE competency-based learning competencies competency
- This respect comes in part from WGU’s work with employers to develop the competencies they want in a graduate and then using the CBE model to ensure that each student has mastered the competency before graduation.
Competencies & Academic Standards Exchange™ | IMS Global Learning Consortium
tags: IMS competency-based learning competencies standards learning consortium CASE competency framework
- Having universal identifiers for education competencies makes it possible for any of these tools or applications to easily share information between the systems. These tools may include learning management systems, assessment tools, curriculum management applications, certificate and competency-based evaluation systems and any other tool, process or content that aligns to or references a competency or framework.
tags: canvas Business Model OER OERu
elearnspace. Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age
tags: connectivism community george siemens collaboration
National Science Foundation Big Data Grant – LINK Research Lab
- This will lead to the proposed novel combined learning and work community that both provides support and offers authentic outlets for work products that are valued beyond a particular course.
elearnspace › Learning as Artifact Creation
tags: connectivism artifact learning MOOC MOOCs cmooc george siemens
- Yet, change is happening, often under the radar of enthusiasts because it’s harder to sell a technology product or draw clicks to a website when being nuanced and contextual. Education is an idea/information-based process. How information is accessed, created, and shared is revealing about the future of learning.
- Connectivism was presented as a theory that described how learning happened in networks, complex ambiguous information spaces, digital environments, and the increased opportunities of the participative web. Unfortunately, much of that theory remains undeveloped
- As a result, connectivism is something people cite rather than engage and develop into a more complex theory or framework of learning
- One aspect of connectivism that has great potential for development is the role of the artifact in learning. With CCK08, we found fascinating activities arising due to student created artifacts. One student creates an image to detail the architecture of the course. Another updates it and adds to it. Another comes by and critiques it. The artifact serves as a social learning object. This process reflects my earlier point: big trends unfold behind the scenes over time and in education, they map and mirror to what people do with information that is digital and networked.
- Education over the past several centuries has been defined by the centrality of the instructor and the actions of a learner in relationship to what the instructor knows. There have always been voices that challenged this model – Dewey, Illich, Freire, Montessori – but the system of learning that defines our society is modeled on the assumption of learners needing to duplicate what instructors already know.
- Small groups of people could share without a mediator.
- Everything was a possible social artifact. Take and share a picture. Post your thoughts on a blog. Tag and share valuable resources
- Eventually we were blessed with the ugly stepchildren of this movement (Twitter, Facebook) that enabled flow of creative artifacts but in themselves where not primarily generative technologies.
- What happens when you add artifact creation? The entire curriculum can shift. If I lecture on the development of open learning and open source technologies, I’m presenting my voice, my priorities, my values. If someone comes along and says “what about the power structure and the bias that underpins this content”? Bam. It’s a new course. Someone creates a video reacting to a lecture I delivered? Bam. It’s a new course. This doesn’t always happen on grand scales. Often the artifact has a limited impact – a brief detour in a new conversation and learning direction for students. The aggregate of these artifacts is significant because it places students in a new mindset, one defined by personal autonomy and agency.
- There is something about the artifact that is unique in its ability to make every learner a teacher, every contribution a redirection of learning, every interaction a reaction and augmentation.
Saturday, September 16, 2017
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
Inclusive Practices in Instructional Design
"Inclusive design, on the other hand, takes a user-centred approach, encompassing factors such as age, gender, experience and ethnicity (Personal communication, Katy Campbell, Feb. 2, 2004). Since differing ability is a learner characteristic, I will include universal design issues as one part of inclusive design. Universal access is an aspect of universal design, with an emphasis on information and communication technology (Coleman, 2003). "
tags: instructional design inclusiveness universal-design instructional online learning
Under the Hood: Learning Design Behind Georgia Tech’s Degrees at Scale | The EvoLLLution
tags: learning design learning design online education GeorgiaTech
Global Council of Corporate Universities (GlobalCCU)
tags: corporate-university employee organizations skills council
Corporate University Shift: Why Great Companies Invest in Custom Learning | eLearning Mind
tags: corporate-university employee organizations skills elearning
Three imperatives for corporate universities | Heidrick & Struggles
tags: corporate-university employee leadership organizations skills
Why Winning Organizations have Corporate Universities – Center for Strategy & Leadership
tags: corporate-university employee leadership organizations skills gap
Corporate Universities and Today's Talent Gap | MIT Sloan Executive Education
tags: corporate-university employee skills university talent gap
Corporate university - Wikipedia
tags: employee skills hiring university corporate-university
Saturday, September 9, 2017
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
Solving Latin America’s skills crisis
tags: latin america skills crisis skills-gap
Chief Data Officer: The Most Strategically Important Leadership Position in Higher Ed? | EDUCAUSE
Cultural Differences in E-Learning: Exploring New Dimensions
Cultural Influences on Online Learning
tags: online learning diversity
Changing Landscape of Online Education
tags: online learning landscape QM quality matters eduventure
Honoring diversity in an online classroom: approaches used by instructors engaging through an LMS
tags: online learning diversity LMS
elearn Magazine: A Fundamental Look at Cultural Diversity and the Online Classroom
Saturday, September 2, 2017
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
Gender differences in self-regulated online learning environment
tags: gender online education self-regulated online learning
JOLT - Journal of Online Learning and Teaching
tags: gender online education ethnicity higher education online learning
Gender Equality in Online Learning: The Case of UP Open University - ScienceDirect
tags: gender online education equality university online learning online learning
Gender Considerations in Online Learning Part 2 of 2 | Tomorrow's Professor Postings
tags: diversity gender online education online learning online learning
Gender Considerations in Online Learning – Part 1 of 2 | Tomorrow's Professor Postings
Gender Issues in Online Education: Educational IS&T Book Chapter | IGI Global
tags: diversity gender online education
Diversity & Inclusive Teaching (Archived) | Center for Teaching | Vanderbilt University
tags: diversity inclusiveness teaching
Executive summary: Learning Better - Public Policy for Skills Development
Open Education Handbook - Wikibooks, open books for an open world