Friday, August 30, 2013
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Daily Randomly Sporto 08/29/2013
Badges: New Currency for Professional Credentials « WCET Frontiers
Higher Education’s Special Sauce is Dripping | The EvoLLLution
tags: higher education education outcomes disruption demographics
Game on? The use of gamification in e-learning. |
The Student Customer Service Imperative: A Short Trip into Academic Heresy | The EvoLLLution
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Daily Randomly Sporto 08/28/2013
Master’s Degree Is New Frontier of Study Online -
Survey of Faculty Attitudes on Technology | Inside Higher Ed
""We should all be thinking of more interactive, human, creative, student-centered ways of teaching that help prepare students for the current world where, since April 22, 1993, anyone with a connection to the Internet has the capacity to think an idea and then communicate it to anyone else with a connection to the Internet," she said. "That is, for the first time in human history, we have a power of connection and a responsibility of connection that is instantaneous and global. Yet we are still teaching students as if that power did not exist, we are doing little to train them (or ourselves) for the harrowing and inspiring (both) powers of this world. Having a 'doc on a laptop' (my phrase for the video equivalent of the 'sage on the stage') yap at you from a computer screen does not prepare you for a digital world any more than a lecture course. BOTH need new paradigms, new thinking of everything from what we mean by teaching, what we mean by learning, how we help students integrate subjects that have been separated by our educational system for the last 150 years, and how we move away from standardization to iterative, customized, collaborative, and creative thinking.""
tags: survey MOOC MOOCs higher ed online faculty adjunct faculty administrators
tags: psychology professors higher ed online MOOC MOOCs SMOC synchronous
Monday, August 26, 2013
Daily Randomly Sporto 08/27/2013
tags: postscript accreditation transparency financials commissions Department of Education
Higher education leaders respond to Obama's ambitous ratings system plan | Inside Higher Ed
tags: MOOC higher education obama federal affordability Department of Education funding White House
For higher ed 'reformers,' Obama speech was welcome attention | Inside Higher Ed
tags: higher ed obama competency-based learning federal affordability MOOC
tags: obama news chronicle colleges online higher education affordability financing loan
Higher Ed Accrediting Commissions: Transparency for thee, not for me |e-Literate
tags: higher ed commissions transparency accreditation credits e-Literate Phil Hill
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Daily Randomly Sporto 08/25/2013
Why Big Data, Not MOOCs, Will Revolutionize Education - US News and World Report
Mark Edmundson's new book calls for renewed emphasis on teaching | Inside Higher Ed
Feminist professors create an alternative to MOOCs | Inside Higher Ed
tags: mooc MOOCs feminism DOCC inside higher-ed
Friday, August 23, 2013
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Daily Randomly Sporto 08/22/2013
Nuts and Bolts: Design Assessments First by Jane Bozarth : Learning Solutions Magazine
tags: course competency-based Learning solutions magazine assessment DETT607
Marc My Words: Own the Assessment, Not the Course by Marc J. Rosenberg : Learning Solutions Magazine
tags: marc Rosenberg Learning solutions magazine assessment course competency-based learning competency-based competencies DETT607
Earning College Credit by Competency-based Exams Gains Appeal
tags: earning college credit online learning MOOC MOOCs competency-based competency-based learning competencies exams
How to Make Online Courses Massively Personal: Scientific American
tags: MOOC online learning personal personalization MOOCs Massive Open Online Courses stanford
Learning equity between online and onsite courses
tags: Merlot comparison online on-site no significant difference
Learning Experience Online (LEO) | UMUC
tags: learning experience online leo UMUC MDE announcement
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Daily Randomly Sporto 08/21/2013
Did University Officials Know Amy Bishop was Dangerous? : The New Yorker
tags: articles MOOC MOOCs e-Literate Phil Hill facts DETC630
How Online Learning Affects Productivity, Cost and Quality in Higher Education: An Environmental Scan and Review of the Literature
tags: DEPM625 higher education online learning cost quality cost-effectiveness productivity literature review Ontario
Monday, August 19, 2013
Daily Randomly Sporto 08/20/2013
Almanac of Higher Education 2013 - The Chronicle of Higher Education
tags: higher education almanac chronicle
MOOCs: A Disruptive Innovation or Not? |e-Literate
tags: disruptive innovation higher education DETC630 MOOC MOOCs
Major Twist in CCSF Accreditation Crisis: DOE Threatens Accrediting Agency |e-Literate
tags: accreditation crisis doe
Friday, August 16, 2013
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Daily Randomly Sporto 08/14/2013
tags: student resources reference writing research citing MLA APA
Commonwealth of Learning - Journals
tags: commonwealth learning journals
E-learning quality assurance standards, organizations and research
Commonwealth of Learning - Distance Education Leadership and Management – COL video series 2012
tags: video commonwealth distance education leadership management
The Elusive Big Idea -
tags: information knowledge ideas
Monday, August 12, 2013
Daily Randomly Sporto 08/13/2013
Five Ways Institutions Can Capture More Adult Enrollments Using MOOCs | The EvoLLLution
tags: MOOCs MOOC enrollment growth institutions
Teaching Writing in Online Distance Education: Supporting Student Success
tags: teaching writing online distance distance education supporting student success
Can Science Deliver the Benefits of Religion? | Boston Review
MOOCs are Maturing « WCET Frontiers
tags: schroeder MOOC MOOCs distance learning
2013 the year of competency-based learning?
Another interesting event in the competency-based learning movement. 2012 was named the MOOC year, and maybe 2013 will be named the competency-base year. However, different institutions use this term in very different ways.
I wonder if just aligning outcomes with competencies is enough to attract students, without touching the credit system, or adding any flexibility in the learning path, or reducing cost. I'm skeptical that just by adding curriculum changes, without changing the actual learning 'model' this move has any traction with students...