In the heels of the iron triangle discussion, the issue of assessment and credentials was raised. Very good one by the way. That took me back again to Daniel's discussion of separation between institutions that do assessment and certifications and those that conduct the actual teaching...
Hi Beth -
I don't think the iron triangle captures every single aspect, but looking to major drivers, these seem as big ones. You raise the issue of credentials, and I definitely think this is a huge one, and Sir John Daniel is other papers, including his recent work on MOOCs brings to the forefront. For years now, he has advocated that assessement/certification/credentialing should be done separately from the teaching and learning. If that were to happen, students would have a plethora of venues to learn, both formal and informal, different ways of assessing mastery and competencies would be in place. One could actually have the 'real' passport of learning, where the 'stamps' give you recognized credentials and one can move around. This is exactly the concept behind badges. In my view, all these movements will only create actual change in these connections are made. Not necessarily this needs to happen in a concerted way though...Sir John Daniel's paper can be found here through Tony Bates' wonderful blog post:
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