Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The urgent need to prepare students for a web 2.0 reality...

While in the universities we are still debating the validity of Web 2.0 technologies, those technologies are moving forward and engulfing the enterprise.

BBC NEWS | Technology | Web 2.0 is set for spending boom

Shouldn't we become more proactive in preparing our students for this new reality? In the e-learning arena, not only these tools will be available as part of organizations' infrastructure for learning, but professional will be required to understand and use them in an effective and productive way. Trainers, for example, will  be required to not only know how to use such tools, but also be able to teach others in the use of them in their daily jobs.

We are passed the early and near-sided conclusions that that social networking, blogs, wikis are a simple manifestation of individuals and affinity groups over the web. We are also passed the phase where this is considered as business model to sell and make a profit over the Internet. These tools are becoming part of processes and operations within organizations. Institutions committed to preparing the workforce need to take this change into consideration now, and avoid one more time the gap between what is taught and what is practiced and expected from professionals entering or re-entering the labor market.
Blogged with the Flock Browser

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