I think I have mentioned this project before to some of my classes... It is the "Negroponte project" that was in the media for a long time, and once in while more recently is reported as facing problems from competition (!) and skeptics. I for one, participated in the 1-month Get one, Give one campaign late last year, when for $400, one could get one machine and send another to any of the developing/underdeveloped countries participating in the project. So did my brother, through me - He lives in Rio and picked-up his machine last weekend when he visited us on his way back from a conference in Las Vegas. The machine is pretty incredible for its size and weight, and my boys use it for class work and amusement (although it certainly can't compete with the Wii...).
In any case, I was happy to read the following report today from Technology review...
Technology Review: Una Laptop por NiƱoThe machines are in fact getting to the places where they need to me. I just hope that this idea is not forgotten, and this kind of investment continues into the future. One more thing: we also need to concentrate in preparing those teachers. The teachers, who like the children, lack any support to become effective teachers and be able to employ these incredible machines.