Saturday, September 12, 2015

Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)

    • online learning is becoming increasingly an integral part of teaching and learning
    • Thus, in the future, online learning will not be a separate activity, but one component within a wide range of decisions about teaching and learning.
    • decreasing amount of resources being spent on faculty and instructors, and in turn a greater proportion of expenditure going into ‘administration
    • the dynamic of post-secondary institutions is such that this direction could and probably will change dramatically. In the future, we will need instructors who have the skills to decide when and how to use online learning as part of their jobs, and not see online learning as a specialty of someone else
    • demand for specialist learning technology support will decrease
    • n the future though, most teachers and instructors will need to be experts in subject areas, pedagogy, and learning technologies. These will all be integral parts of their jobs. 
    • stay flexible and continue to learn, adding new skills and knowledge as the field develops. Develop excellent inter-personal and communication skills; these will be as important in the future as subject expertise and specialist knowledge

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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