Saturday, February 26, 2022
Saturday, February 12, 2022
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
Six Ways to Build Instructional Immediacy During Online Learning | EdTech Magazine
tags: immediacy instructional online learning
What Online Learning Reveals About Innovation in Higher Education | EdSurge News
Planning and Managing Web Accessibility | Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) | W3C
tags: accessibility initiative safesport
No Cheat Code: Exploring the Intersection of Empathy and Technology | EDUCAUSE
tags: educause empathy technology bots
2021 EDUCAUSE Horizon Report: Teaching and Learning Edition
tags: educause HorizonReport horizon report blended learning hybrid credentials credentialing openbadges
Saturday, February 5, 2022
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
The Landscape of Merging Modalities | EDUCAUSE
tags: online learning blended learning hybrid blended
- One might question how it would be possible to teach synchronously online without asynchronous learning being part of the design; however, asynchronous communication requires more monitoring and digital literacy than synchronous-only classes. It is still not uncommon to have "radio silence" between traditional face-to-face courses with the standard "office hours," so these approaches can sometimes linger with shifts to mixing modalities.
- Those new to teaching online in general may also prefer the synchronous-only design, so as to minimize the workload creep that comes with robust asynchronous communication—especially if they are already committing significant professional learning time to engaging in synchronous online designs.
- To address this, designs should consider not only mixing modalities but also reducing synchronous instructional hours to create time for asynchronous activities and dialogue.
- The distinction is important to highlight so that criticisms of emergency remote teaching practices—especially from educators who may have low digital literacy levels—are not generalized to online learning as a whole.7
- Online Learning is one of the terms whose meaning has become unclear over time.
- Taking a course online may now require time commitments for engaging in synchronous classes—or not. Some classes may operate synchronously with little-to-no asynchronous components, which can often be the case for novice instructors pivoting to remote teaching
- This also involves more explicit and intentional learning designs to address how to interweave modality, pedagogy, and access in a course or program.
- Hybrid Learning has gained amplification currently due to the COVID-19 pivot. Unfortunately, this term is also creating confusion as it has been rebranded, in some cases, for merging modalities
- One persistent issue around modality in higher education is the bias arising from linkages made between pedagogy and modality, even though these are distinctly separate constructs
- Whether a learning experience is passive or dynamic depends on the pedagogy applied in the modality.
Quality and value of micro-credentials inhigher education: Preparing for the future
tags: badges digital microcredentials
The Global Micro-credential Landscape: Chartinga New Credential Ecology for Lifelong Learning
tags: badges digital microcredentials
Micro-credentials NESET study - drat final report
tags: badges digital microcredentials
Getting Started With Open Badges and Open Microcredentials
tags: badges digital microcredentials
tags: badges digital microcredentials
Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy Verbs – Planning Instructional Variety for Online Teaching - UMBC
tags: instructional design taxonomy Bloom's taxonomy digital