Saturday, October 31, 2020
Saturday, October 24, 2020
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
What Are Some Types of Assessment? | Edutopia
tags: assessment authentic online learning rubric authentic assessment
- the learner engage in problem-solving to actively build mental models. Knowledge is attained not just by receiving information, but also by interpreting the information and relating it to the learner's knowledge base
What is Authentic Assessment? (Authentic Assessment Toolbox)
tags: assessment authentic online learning rubric authentic assessment
Assessing Online Learning: Strategies, Challenges and Opportunities
tags: assessment authentic
tags: digital literacy digital-learning competencies spanish espanol
- Creatividad e innovación
- producen creativamente y construyen conocimiento a través de la apropiación de las TIC.
- Se apropian de las TIC como medios para construir espacios de imaginación y fantasía.
- Comunicación y colaboración
- Los alumnos se comunican y colaboran, contribuyendo al aprendizaje propio y de otros.
- Entienden el ciberespacio como ámbito de socialización y de construcción y circulación de saberes; conocen sobre su funcionamiento y posibilidades,
- Integran espacios físicos y virtuales a las prácticas de enseñanza y aprendizaje.
iTeach and iLearn: Developing Self-Direction in Online Learning
tags: online learning selfdirectedlearning self-direct online education andragogy
Adult Learning Theory: The Andragogy of Online Education - *ADVANCING Education through technology*
tags: technology education online education andragogy learning-theories
Culture and effective online learning environments | Tony Bates
A Quick, No-Nonsense Guide to Basic Instructional Design Theory
tags: instructional design instructional design theory learning-theories
Grading Contract Success, At Last, At Last | Just Visiting
tags: contract-grading assessment selfdirectedlearning self-determined
Learning Engineering: A Primer : Research Library | The Learning Guild
Timeline of Educational Technology in Schools Infographic - e-Learning Infographics
tags: technology educational technology timeline infographic infographics
Teaching Learners to be Self-Directed (SSDL) - Gerald Grow's Home Page
tags: instructional design design selfdirectedlearning self-direct Grow SSDL
Instructional Models for Fall 2020
tags: instructional design design synchronous hybrid blended learning
Assessment, Test, and Assignment Design | Clemson University, South Carolina
Clemson university online hybrid blended teaching models
tags: instructional design blended synchronous asynchronous hybrid
The Padagogy Wheel Spanish V5 - In Support of Excellence
tags: padagogy espanol spanish SAMR instructional design Bloom's taxonomy
Saturday, October 17, 2020
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
Assessing Online Learning: Strategies, Challenges and Opportunities
tags: instructional design assessment online strategies innovation learning
Assessment Strategies for Online Learning.pdf
tags: instructional design assessment online strategies innovation learning
Online Assessment Strategies | Center for Teaching Innovation
tags: instructional design assessment online strategies innovation
SAMR, modelo para integrar las TIC en procesos educativos
tags: SAMR educacion-a-distancia espanol instructional design unesco edtech educación
Estándares UNESCO de competencia en TIC para docentes
tags: educacion-a-distancia espanol instructional design unesco edtech educación
tags: educacion-a-distancia espanol instructional design unesco educación
Estructura las lecciones online siguiendo los 9 eventos de Gagné
tags: educacion-a-distancia gagne cognitivism espanol instructional design
Saturday, October 10, 2020
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
tags: onlinelearning portugues educação online education
tags: portugues educação online education onlinelearning online learning
Saturday, October 3, 2020
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
Paul-Elder Critical Thinking Framework — University of Louisville Ideas To Action
"According to Paul and Elder (1997), there are two essential dimensions of thinking that students need to master in order to learn how to upgrade their thinking. They need to be able to identify the "parts" of their thinking, and they need to be able to assess their use of these parts of thinking."
tags: EAD educacao-online critical thinking thinking framework