Saturday, December 26, 2020
Saturday, December 19, 2020
Saturday, December 12, 2020
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
Managing Instructor Presence and Workload, Boosting Student Engagement
tags: online teaching online learning presence engagement CoI
- being hyper responsive, trying to maintain as close to a 24/7 presence in the online classroom as possible and responding to each student discussion posting, blog, or wiki. Such an approach, however, leaves instructors exhausted, burned out, or frustrated
- automated feedback to provide instant canned responses to student work, but this approach can leave students wondering if a “roboteacher” is in charge of the class rather than a real person
- clearly communicate how and when they will provide feedback to students and design assignments and materials that focus on student interaction from the beginning.
- the role of the instructor must shift
- In contrast, a course with student-to-student interaction places the learner at the center of the action and attention.
- There are a number of ways to encourage student-to-student interaction in online courses. Of utmost importance is setting the expectation for student participation from the first day they log in to the course. The course syllabus should set clear guidelines for participation expectations (number of posts, frequency of posts, types of posts, sample student posts) as well as netiquette expectations.
An alternative framework: The Five Stage Model of Online Teaching and Learning
Seven Principles For Good Practice in Undergraduate Education
tags: chickering principles learning teaching CoI
Saturday, December 5, 2020
Saturday, November 28, 2020
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
The Big List of Class Discussion Strategies « Cult of Pedagogy
New approaches to discussion boards aim for dynamic online learning experiences
tags: online learning social-presence social presence presence community
- First, he cut in half the number of discussion posts per semester. Second, he now allows students to respond to discussion prompts with PowerPoint presentations, YouTube videos and concept maps in addition to written tex
- Sometimes we overuse online discussions,
- Learning management system providers are also working on automating certain aspects of the discussion board process to ease the burden of time and effort on instructors, particularly in high-enrollment courses with dozens of posts to parse.
Instructor's perceptions of instructor presence in virtual learning environments
tags: online learning social-presence social presence presence community
How to Establish a Strong Community in an Online Course - The FLTMAG
tags: online learning social-presence social presence presence community
Teacher Presence and Social Presence in Virtual and Blended Courses
tags: online learning social-presence social presence presence
10 Things You Need To Know When Choosing A Learning Management System - eLearning Industry
- Understand Learning Needs
- all over the globe
- registration, navigation through the course lessons, take up a quiz, set up a timer, display course progress, give certifications, and so on
- internet access or wifi availability
- Go Mobile Friendly
- Ease Of Integration
- features like Single-sign-on (SSO)
- Pricing / Licensing Structure
- Monthly/Annual subscription
- Lifetime Licensing
- Upper threshold limit on user or content
- Per-user pricing
- Batch Discounts
- cancellation policy as well before you finalize any LMS
- Tick Off Unwanted Features
- accommodate future needs is the evidence of good management skills
- over-complicated LMS creates a negative impression on the user
Content Compatibility
- Requirements can vary from a Word document to PDF, XML to Powerpoint presentations, and video streaming to pure audio transcript!
- Quizzes
- Surveys
- Certificates
Analyze And Report
- analysis and reporting solution is unavoidable in the case of choosing an LMS
- monitoring as an administrator
- Course Reports
Schedule, Enrollment, Assessment - User Reports
Active Users, Login activities, User’s progress, Performance Comparison - Organization Training
Complete course report by location or batch, Certification, Curriculum - Custom Reports
Tailored to meet your requirements
The reports can be categorized in the following manner:
- Course Reports
- Customer Support
- Round-the-clock customer support from the LMS vendors is essential at the time of setup as well as in a regular run for resolving issues related to functioning and maintenance.
- knowledge-based support like help guides and demonstration videos
- Security And Reliability
- Assuring content confidentiality along with protecting the users’ personal data is your responsibility while representing your organization.
- Reliability of the LMS can be judged by understanding its downtime, disaster management, and contingency plans.
- Future Scope
- upgradation is a sign of development and keeping up with the pace of the technological evolution.
10 platforms for issuing Open Badges | by Doug Belshaw | We Are Open Co-op
tags: badges openbadges
Saturday, November 21, 2020
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
Creating an Effective Online Instructor Presence
tags: online learning social-presence social presence presence
Perception of Instructor Presence and its Effects on Learning Experience in Online Classes
tags: online learning social-presence social presence presence synchronous live-meetings
tags: online learning social-presence social presence presence
¿Qué es el LMS?: Learning Management System | Eduarea's Blog
"LMS (Learning Management System) significa Sistema de Gestión de Aprendizaje y es un término global para un sistema informático desarrollado específicamente para la gestión de los cursos en línea, la distribución de los materiales del curso y permitir la colaboración entre estudiantes y profesores. Un LMS le permitirá gestionar todos los aspectos de un curso, a partir de la inscripción de los estudiantes para el almacenamiento de los resultados de las pruebas, así como que le permite aceptar asignaciones digitalmente y mantenerse en contacto con sus estudiantes."
tags: LMS learning management
Proctortrack | Trusted Exam Integrity | Remote Online Proctoring
Learning Management Systems: A Brief History of their Evolution
tags: LMS learning management systems history
Saturday, November 7, 2020
Saturday, October 31, 2020
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
tags: assessment authentic online learning rubric rúbrica authentic assessment
How To Design Better Multiple-Choice Questions - eLearning Industry
tags: teaching Multiple assessment questions
Writing Good Multiple Choice Test Questions
tags: multiple choice assessment questions teaching elearning
Saturday, October 24, 2020
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
What Are Some Types of Assessment? | Edutopia
tags: assessment authentic online learning rubric authentic assessment
- the learner engage in problem-solving to actively build mental models. Knowledge is attained not just by receiving information, but also by interpreting the information and relating it to the learner's knowledge base
What is Authentic Assessment? (Authentic Assessment Toolbox)
tags: assessment authentic online learning rubric authentic assessment
Assessing Online Learning: Strategies, Challenges and Opportunities
tags: assessment authentic
tags: digital literacy digital-learning competencies spanish espanol
- Creatividad e innovación
- producen creativamente y construyen conocimiento a través de la apropiación de las TIC.
- Se apropian de las TIC como medios para construir espacios de imaginación y fantasía.
- Comunicación y colaboración
- Los alumnos se comunican y colaboran, contribuyendo al aprendizaje propio y de otros.
- Entienden el ciberespacio como ámbito de socialización y de construcción y circulación de saberes; conocen sobre su funcionamiento y posibilidades,
- Integran espacios físicos y virtuales a las prácticas de enseñanza y aprendizaje.
iTeach and iLearn: Developing Self-Direction in Online Learning
tags: online learning selfdirectedlearning self-direct online education andragogy
Adult Learning Theory: The Andragogy of Online Education - *ADVANCING Education through technology*
tags: technology education online education andragogy learning-theories
Culture and effective online learning environments | Tony Bates
A Quick, No-Nonsense Guide to Basic Instructional Design Theory
tags: instructional design instructional design theory learning-theories
Grading Contract Success, At Last, At Last | Just Visiting
tags: contract-grading assessment selfdirectedlearning self-determined
Learning Engineering: A Primer : Research Library | The Learning Guild
Timeline of Educational Technology in Schools Infographic - e-Learning Infographics
tags: technology educational technology timeline infographic infographics
Teaching Learners to be Self-Directed (SSDL) - Gerald Grow's Home Page
tags: instructional design design selfdirectedlearning self-direct Grow SSDL
Instructional Models for Fall 2020
tags: instructional design design synchronous hybrid blended learning
Assessment, Test, and Assignment Design | Clemson University, South Carolina
Clemson university online hybrid blended teaching models
tags: instructional design blended synchronous asynchronous hybrid
The Padagogy Wheel Spanish V5 - In Support of Excellence
tags: padagogy espanol spanish SAMR instructional design Bloom's taxonomy
Saturday, October 17, 2020
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
Assessing Online Learning: Strategies, Challenges and Opportunities
tags: instructional design assessment online strategies innovation learning
Assessment Strategies for Online Learning.pdf
tags: instructional design assessment online strategies innovation learning
Online Assessment Strategies | Center for Teaching Innovation
tags: instructional design assessment online strategies innovation
SAMR, modelo para integrar las TIC en procesos educativos
tags: SAMR educacion-a-distancia espanol instructional design unesco edtech educación
Estándares UNESCO de competencia en TIC para docentes
tags: educacion-a-distancia espanol instructional design unesco edtech educación
tags: educacion-a-distancia espanol instructional design unesco educación
Estructura las lecciones online siguiendo los 9 eventos de Gagné
tags: educacion-a-distancia gagne cognitivism espanol instructional design
Saturday, October 10, 2020
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
tags: onlinelearning portugues educação online education
tags: portugues educação online education onlinelearning online learning
Saturday, October 3, 2020
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
Paul-Elder Critical Thinking Framework — University of Louisville Ideas To Action
"According to Paul and Elder (1997), there are two essential dimensions of thinking that students need to master in order to learn how to upgrade their thinking. They need to be able to identify the "parts" of their thinking, and they need to be able to assess their use of these parts of thinking."
tags: EAD educacao-online critical thinking thinking framework
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
Comunidade de Investigação (Community of Inquiry) - Meu Wiki
tags: EAD Brasil educacao-online online
Comunidade Virtual de Aprendizagem e/ou Comunidade Virtual de Prática - Meu Wiki
tags: EAD Brasil educacao-online online
3.2.2. A importância da comunidade de aprendizagem – Da Web 2.0 ao e-Learning 2.0: Aprender na Rede
tags: EAD Brasil educacao-online online
tags: EAD Brasil educacao-online online
3.2. A Aprendizagem Colaborativa – Da Web 2.0 ao e-Learning 2.0: Aprender na Rede
tags: EAD Brasil educacao-online
5 tips on how unis can do more to design online learning that works for all students
tags: online learning learning students disabilities accessibility
6 Basic Ingredients To Online Learning Success
tags: online learning online-learner online education expectations
Saturday, September 19, 2020
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
TCU e BID apoiam a contratação de soluções inovadoras pela administração pública | Portal TCU
The Padagogy Wheel … it's a Bloomin' Better Way to Teach - In Support of Excellence
tags: padagogy design-instrucional bloom Bloom's taxonomy SAMR technology
SAMR - Kathy Schrock's Guide to Everything
tags: design-instrucional bloom Bloom's taxonomy SAMR technology
- but I believe we should be planning for technology tasks, activities, and assessments that include both the higher levels of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy and the transformation area of the SAMR model.
Kathy Schrock's Guide to Everything - Home Page
tags: design-instrucional bloom Bloom's taxonomy SAMR technology
SAMR Model: A Practical Guide for EdTech Integration | Schoology
tags: design-instrucional padagogy bloom Bloom's taxonomy SAMR
- This is why it’s better to think of the SAMR model more as a spectrum.
Mini curso de design instrucional ENAP
tags: design-instrucional ENAP
Saturday, September 12, 2020
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
3.2.3. O Modelo da Comunidade de Inquirição – Da Web 2.0 ao e-Learning 2.0: Aprender na Rede
tags: community of inquiry CoI online social
tags: community of inquiry CoI online social
Ciclo de vida da tutoria: contribuições da CoI para a qualidade das praticas educativas
tags: community of inquiry CoI
tags: presence CoI community of inquiry
Chapter 1. What Is Backward Design?
tags: backward design evaluation technology edtech design elearning
tags: tools evaluation checklist edtech technology elearning
tags: educacao-online ENAP
Módulo 1 - Unidade 1 Conceitos Fundamentais de E-Learning.pdf
tags: educacao-online ENAP
Saturday, September 5, 2020
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
Repositório Aberto: RE@D - Revista de Educação a Distância e Elearning
tags: educacao-online UAP
Repositório Aberto: Práticas e cenários de inovação em educação online
tags: pedagogia educacao-online educação UAP
temas diversos - livro com varios capitulos.
tags: interacao mobilidade pedagogia educacao-online autorreflexao accessibilidade
10 Dicas de Design Instrucional para Tutores – Desenho Didático
tags: educacao-online Brasil design on e-learning design-instrucional
- diferenças existentes entre os conceitos de “ensino à distância” e “autoinstrução”!!
- jhdlkajdlkajh
(PDF) Tutoria e Tutor em Educação a Distância: Retratos do Presente versus Visões para o Futuro
tags: educacao-online Brasil docente tutoria
Há conversação em sua aula online? – Horizontes
tags: educacao-online Brasil interacao
tags: Brasil educacao-online
tags: Brasil educacao-online
livro (Capitulo 15)
Contribuicoes para uma pedagogia on-line
tags: Brasil educacao-online
Princípios da Educação Online: para sua aula não ficar massiva nem maçante! – Horizontes
tags: Brasil educacao-online
Saturday, August 29, 2020
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
How to Host a Virtual Conference: Everything You Need
tags: virtualconference conference online-conference virtual event online conferences
Online Conferences — LearningTimes
tags: virtualconference conference online-conference virtual event online conferences
How to shift your conference online in light of the coronavirus (opinion)
tags: virtualconference conference online-conference virtual event