Saturday, April 20, 2019
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
Digital Badge Credentials + the Future of Pathways – Verses Education – Medium
tags: openbadges digital badges credentials
- unbundle summative learning and stack it back together into the Pathways that meet users’ needs, but we can do so by piecing together credentials from disparate issuers.
- Credentials are openly searchable, openly portable and, because they are liberated from institutional ownership, open for earners to own them and use as they see fit.
tags: openbadges digital badges IDB
Online learning: the next frontier for education in the Caribbean? - Caribbean Development Trends
Aprendizagem online: a próxima fronteira para capacitar servidores públicos no Brasil? - Ideação
Reporte Edu Trends Credenciales Alternativas — Observatorio de Innovación Educativa
tags: blooms taxonomy
Saturday, April 6, 2019
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
tags: blended learning MOOC
tags: CBE competency-based learning