Ace of All Trades: New Research Looks at Evolving Field of Instructional Design | EdSurge News
Personas Place Developer Focus on Learners' Needs by Pamela S. Hogle : Learning Solutions Magazine
Skills Development in Latin America
Facilitating Interprofessional Collaboration Through ePortfolio: A Pilot Study
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
tags: scorm elearning LMS education tincan API
TalentLMS - Cloud LMS Solutions. Online Learning Management System
tags: LMS e-learning cloud online learning
tags: learning digital-age Tony Bates
tags: learning digital-age
Potential Uses of Blockchain - Blockchain News
tags: blockchain applications
The 7 Design Principles of a Blockchain Economy — Steemit
tags: blockchain design principles economy
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Saturday, October 8, 2016
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
Alternative and Next-Generation Credentialing | The EvoLLLution
tags: alternative credentials credentialing microcredentials competency-based
Video 6: Summary and Essential Question - Arizona State University | Coursera
n this Essential Question peer review, you will upload a video where you offer your own analysis of the Essential Question/Assumption:
“Anyone who speaks the language can teach the language.”
You will also have the opportunity to review the responses of some of your Teach English Now classmates.
To complete this assignment, you shoul
Tenses Chart - Present Simple - Visual Chart of Tenses for ESL learners and classes
Idioms and Expressions in Context
tags: idioms expressions context
Saturday, October 1, 2016
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
tags: emails Business English writing
Motivating Unmotivated Students - ASCD Express 5.04
tags: motivating ascd
How to pronounce WOOD (or WOULD) - American English Pronunciation Lesson - YouTube
WOULD pronunciation
tags: esl wood pronunciation would english
Pronunciación de SHOULD, COULD, y WOULD ¿Dónde quedó la L? - YouTube
would pronunciation
tags: esl wood pronunciation would english
8 Tools Spanish Speakers Can Use to Improve English Pronunciation
English Pronunciation Resources for Native Spanish Speakers - Magoosh TOEFL Blog
Spanish Speakers' English Pronunciation Errors
tags: pronunciation English esl
tags: English esl pronunciation word
ESL Cafe's Idea Cookbook - Pronunciation
tags: pronunciation english esl
English Grammar: Examples of Modal Verbs in Texts and Dialogues
photocopiables | supplementary resources for ESL teachers&learners
Writing a business memo
How to Write a Business Report for English Learners
Writing business report
19 Successful Online English Teachers Share Their Tips and Resources for Planning Online Lessons
Why Continuing Education Programs Are Poised to Become Hubs of Innovation | EdSurge News
tags: continuing education innovation
- Because of their mission and relative autonomy on university campuses, continuing education programs—in the form of extension schools and schools of continuing and professional education—are well-positioned to experiment with different student-centered learning models, create innovative programs that generate new revenue streams, and build bridges with industry partners
- In particular, continuing education programs are less regulated, more responsive to industry and consumer needs, have less restrictive budget policies and procurement systems, operate under lower political pressure, and are often infused with the “startup mentality” that is critical for responding to and pioneering disruptive innovations
- And just as universities have seen international students as a key way to maintain revenues and bolster their global brand, so too will continuing education programs find future growth overseas. Adult international students, in particular, are attracted to non-degree programs because they are cheaper and shorter.