MOOC Around The World, Part 5 - Independent MOOCs for Independent Travelers - moocnewsandreviews.com
MOOC Around the World, Part 4 - Canadian and American MOOCs - moocnewsandreviews.com
MOOC around the world - Our Global List of Open Online Classes, Part 3 - moocnewsandreviews.com
Beyond Dropouts and Dabblers: A Broader View of Auditing MOOCs - moocnewsandreviews.com
MOOC Production Values: Costs, Approaches and Examples - moocnewsandreviews.com
- OpenHPI, the Hasso-Plattner-Institution (HPI), has offered free MOOCs since September 2012
- OpenCourseWorld is a platform from Information Multimedia Communication working with several German universities.
- Leuphana is a public university in northern Germany that has ventured into global online learning with the launch of the Leuphana Digital School.
- Iversity aims to become Europe’s leading provider of MOOCs. Iversity was founded in 2011 by Jonas Liepmann and Hannes Klöpper to develop a cross-university platform for distance education and to foster communication in teaching and research.
- The new platform, called Futurelearn, will operate as an independent company yet will have courses from state and public universities.
- Futurelearn is working in partnership with the British Council, the British Library, the British Museum and more than 20 U.K. universities to create a joint offering available to students across the world free of charge.
- OU not only collaborates with Futurelearn, but also offers next to their traditional commercial courses its Open Learn program of MOOCs and Internet-based courses to students from anywhere around the world.
- Alison has been Ireland’s biggest free distance education provider for basic and essential workplace skills since 2007. Alison stands for Advance Learning Interactive Systems Online and is a UNESCO award-winning platform focusing on workplace readiness topics like management, accounting, customer service, human resources, health studies and basic business skills.
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
MOOC Around The World, Part 6 – "MOOCish" Online Ed Resources - moocnewsandreviews.com
Can UX Design Improve MOOC Completion Rates? - moocnewsandreviews.com
Using MOOCs For Employee Development and Organizational Learning - moocnewsandreviews.com
Veduca - Assista aos melhores cursos universitários do mundo, em português!
Corporate learning and talent development solutions | NovoEd | NovoEd
NovoEd Introduces First Team-Based MOOC in Spanish | Business Wire
- “Evaluación de Decisiones Estratégicas” taught by renowned Stanford PhD, Catholic University of Chile professor and strategic decision expert, Patricio del Sol, is the first massive open online course (MOOC) offered solely in Spanish where students can work together on group projects in true collaboration. The five-week free course will teach students key principles of strategic choices in the business landscape.
- NovoEd is the only one to use the power of the social web. It’s designed with teamwork in mind,
- More than 80,000 students in 150 countries participated in the first NovoEd course (previously known as Venture Lab), working in teams on projects and business models. “We had students from Silicon Valley to Russia to third-world countries in Africa,” Mr. Saberi said
tags: mooc moocs online learning stanford novoed
- Now there’s a new platform to add to the list. NovoEd, which officially opened on Monday, will begin offering seven courses to the public next week, as well as 10 private courses for Stanford students.
- Some MOOCs have struggled to foster teamwork because of their size.
- NovoEd is designed specifically with teamwork in mind, Mr. Saberi said. Students form groups at the beginning of each course, conduct class discussions by messaging one another or in discussion boards under an assignment, and evaluate their peers’ performance, much like team projects in face-to-face lecture courses.
Princeton University - Princeton expands online learning efforts to NovoEd platform
tags: princeton MOOC moocs online learning novoed
- using new approaches and technologies including the NovoEd platform to enable students on campus to collaborate with others taking a class remotely.
- Adelman explained that the first generation of online learning platforms focused on allowing students to access lectures remotely. The emphasis was more "on the professorial side, to a lesser extent on the student learning side," he said. "NovoEd is going to give us an opportunity for students to really dive into this new format of collaborative learning.
- Himpele noted that other faculty members plan to use the NovoEd platform not as a MOOC open to students outside Princeton but as a way to extend and amplify classroom experiences on campus.
- Jennifer Widner, a professor of politics and international affairs in the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, is developing a MOOC, called "Making Government Work in Hard Places," for the spring semester on the NovoEd platform.
NovoEd, another Stanford MOOC startup, opens small-group learning services to public | Gigaom
tags: startup MOOC moocs novoed learning
- But a new startup called NovoEd wants to build on the massive open online course (MOOC) phenomenon with a service that puts collaboration and team learning at the center of the student experience
- NovoEd was also launched by Stanford professors. Co-founder and CEO Amin Saberi, an associate professor of management science and engineering, said he started creating the service last year, after a colleague said she wanted to put an entrepreneurship class online but couldn’t find a service that supported her pedagogical style.
While existing MOOC services may work for classes that focus on mastery learning, like computer science, Saberi said, many teachers want a better way to teach subjects like entrepreneurship and creativity online.
In those classes, it’s not just about watching a video of professor and then doing the work alone, he said, “It’s about peer learning, social learning – it’s collaborative and experiential
- Over four weekends, Saberi said he and a student came up with an approach that brings social networking techniques to online learning
- When students first join the course, they’re automatically assigned to small groups (of less than 10) based on their experiences and locations. As the group works together, each team member is asked to rate their peers, which informs each person’s “Team Rank” score. Later in the course, students are asked to form groups organically and those scores can help students recruit and build teams
- higher engagement rates than other MOOCs. For example, in its first class, of the 80,000 students who enrolled in the class, 37,000 said they would do the group project and 10,000 ultimately finished the project and the course. Most MOOCs have a 10 percent completion rate, but NovoEd says theirs is closer to 13 percent or higher.
MOOCs and the Silicon Valley Narrative | Weller | Journal of Interactive Media in Education
Mobile and Accessible Learning for MOOCs | Sharples | Journal of Interactive Media in Education
A Short History of MOOCs and Distance Learning - moocnewsandreviews.com
tags: history moocs MOOC class-central
SHU | Badges and Certifications
tags: badges certifications example
The Three T's of Badge System Design - World of E's
tags: badge badges openbadges system
Digital Badges: Examples, Ideas and Info | Badgebox Learning
Why My MOOC is Not Built on Video | MOOC Report
tags: MOOC Learning moocs pedagogy video instructional design
5 Things Instead of Video to Make your MOOC Extra Awesome | MOOC Report
tags: research survey inside higher-ed growth online learning
Grade Level: Tracking Online Education in the United States, 2014 - OLC
Online Courses Raise Their Game: A Review of MOOC Stats and Trends in 2014 | MOOC Report
The future of online learning - FT.com
tags: future online online learning learning MOOC providers
- Digital dormitories will synthesize degrees from various MOOC providers – Growing institutions, especially in developing nations, will aggregate existing MOOC courses into synthesized degree programs.
List of 44 providers offering MOOCs/free online courses | Class Central
The Current Ecosystem of Learning Management Systems in Higher-Ed
Time Management for online students | Online Courses for VFX, Cinema and Digital Video
tags: time management management time elearning online students student courses
Time Management 101 for Online Students - OnlineCollege.org
tags: time management management time elearning online students student
5 Tips for Online Student Time Management - eLearning Industry
tags: time management management time elearning student online
7 Essential Time Management Apps for Online Students | Straighterline
Time Management for Online Learners
tags: time management time managment Online
How to Successfully Handle Job and Studies at the Same Time? - DistanceLearningPortal.com
How to Be a Good Online Learner - Time Management and Organization
e-Learning o aprendizaje online - YouTube
tags: aprendizaje online youtube
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
tags: spanish
tags: spanish
tags: spanish
tags: spanish
tags: spanish
tags: spanish
Doing a Quick Literature Review — Advice for authoring a PhD or academic book — Medium
Book ‘Teaching in a Digital Age’ now ready and available | Tony Bates
tags: book digital-age Tony Bates oer free open content
Harvard MOOC online learning lessons from edX | Harvard Magazine
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
E-learning Course: Climate Finance | ASIA LEDS PARTNERSHIP
tags: course climate finance worldbank world bank partnership
World Bank's First Massive Open Online Course on Climate Change | ASIA LEDS PARTNERSHIP
tags: world bank online course climate worldbank MOOC moocs coursera climate change
World Bank's first Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on climate change - Plymouth Marine Laboratory
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tags: world bank MOOC moocs economics online coursera worldbank
IMFx - Free Courses from International Monetary Fund | edX
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Financial Programming and Policies, Part 1: Macroeconomic Accounts & Analysis | edX
IMF Survey : IMF Launches Online Economics Learning for Global Classroom
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"Read More"
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tags: idbx edX MOOC moocs bid latin america américa latina
BID, primera organización de América Latina en crear cursos MOOC con edX
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Introducción a la Gestión para Resultados en el Desarrollo | edX
tags: idbx edX MOOC moocs desarrollo resultados gestión
IDBx - Free Courses from Inter-American Development Bank | edX
Competency-Based Education: A Framework for Measuring Quality Courses
tags: education framework measuring quality courses CBE competency-based learning competency
Balancing Online Teaching Activities: Strategies for Optimizing Efficiency and Effectiveness
tags: OnlineTeaching time instructors workload balancing online strategies efficiency
Instructor Time Requirements to Develop and Teach Online Courses
For Online to Really Matter in Education, We Need to Redefine Competency | WIRED
tags: badges competency-based learning competencies competency CBE
Best Practices: Using Moodle Badges to Gamify Learning
tags: badges gamification moodle games
6 Videos showcasing Open Badges for Moodle (development by @TotaraLMS) | Moodle News
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Awarding Badges in Moodle -- THE Journal
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tags: badge alliance badges Badge Alliance openbadges mozilla
Open badges and Moodle - What and Why!
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Open Badges MOOC: The Year In Review [2014]
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