New Internet Trends Presentation: Mary Meeker gets education partly right | e-Literatee-Literate
What Can Online Course Designers Learn from Research on Machine-Delivered Instruction? | AAUP
Comment: the problem with this is that adapting to students performance does not unveil what students don't understand.
U.S. Online Degrees Pose Challenges for International Students - Yahoo News
21st Century Classroom: Using Google Forms to Create Rubrics
Inside Apollo's Massive Learning Platform -- Campus Technology
Investigating Asynchronous Online Communication: A Connected Stance Revealed | The Sloan Consortium
Saturday, May 31, 2014
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Saturday, May 24, 2014
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Participants' Perceptions of Learning and Networking in Connectivist MOOCs
tags: MOOC network connectivism
Expanding Your Online Pedagogy Toolkit | Higher Ed Beta @insidehighered
Finding the Momentum: An ePortfolio Implementation Success Story -- Campus Technology
tags: finding momentum eportfolio implementation campus technology OMDE670
7 Universities Partner with IBM on Cognitive Computing Courses -- Campus Technology
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Life-Integrated Evolving Digital Diplomas (EDUCAUSE Review) | EDUCAUSE.edu
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The Power of Social Presence for Learning (EDUCAUSE Review) | EDUCAUSE.edu
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IT and the Legacy of Our Cultural Heritage (EDUCAUSE Review) | EDUCAUSE.edu
"Brandman University has selected Regent Education’s financial aid management solution to enable them to successfully transition to Competency Based Learning and support their innovative curriculum model. Regent 8 is the only financial aid management solution to offer complete support for all enrollment models including standard term, non-term, borrower-based and competency based learning."
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Frictionless Formative Assessment with Social Media | Edutopia
What are Institutions Doing (or Not Doing) About State Authorization: 2014 Survey « WCET Frontiers
Why Do Some Students Struggle Online? | The EvoLLLution
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More developments in online labs
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Saturday, May 17, 2014
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Ideas take shape for new accreditors aimed at emerging online providers @insidehighered
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The push to quantify the value of a college degree - Opinion - The Boston Globe
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- Our first attempt to implement the model proved extremely beneficial. We learned that appropriately trained faculty can achieve a high degree of consensus on the quality of student work, thus demonstrating a valid basis for comparison
- The experiment also provided faculty participants with important insights, among them the need to rethink the way assignments are made. Many faculty discovered that their assignments would need to be redesigned if their students were to be able to demonstrate the competencies spelled out in the rubrics.
Expanding Your Online Pedagogy Toolkit | Higher Ed Beta @insidehighered
Get a College-Level Computer Science Education with These Free Courses
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Smithsonian makes deal to offer online courses - The Washington Post
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Can MOOCs and Universities Co-Exist? - WSJ.com
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Saturday, May 10, 2014
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
Ideas take shape for new accreditors aimed at emerging online providers @insidehighered
tags: emerging online accreditation credit recognition providers mooc moocs inside higher-ed
- The Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) is an association that represents colleges and recognizes accrediting organizations. The nonprofit group is mulling whether it could provide “quality review” for entities that fall outside of those that are currently accredited. One likely example would be StraighterLine, an unaccredited, online education company that offers low-cost courses but not credentials.
- Modern States, a play on the name of a regional accreditor, would do reviews for individual online courses, rather than institutions.
- ergeron and Klinsky said their goal is to increase students’ access to low- or zero-cost online courses. While there has been a rapid expansion of these offerings, such as courses from Coursera or edX, the pathway to credit has not kept pace with the technology.
- Modern States will be a nonprofit, Klinsky said. The hope is that it will be a “catalyst” to move traditional colleges to recognize more credits for courses from high-quality providers like Coursera. He wants Modern States to prevent the growth of low-cost online learning from being squashed by entrenched interests in the academy – or by a flood of weak, low-quality alternatives.
- Eaton said possible candidates for these reviews might include the Mozilla Foundation’s badging platform, or even short-term academies like Koru or General Assembly, which provide work-place training in areas like computer programming.
- In contrast, Modern States would review individual courses from online providers to ensure that they are rigorous and academically sound. Students who took those courses would then need to successfully complete an assessment that would seek to measure what they had learned.
- Some players already offer services that are similar to what the two groups are proposing. For example, the American Council on Education (ACE), which is higher education’s umbrella group, does institutional reviews for credit recommendations, which colleges can choose to accept or reject for transfer credit. The bulk of those reviews are focused on training by large corporations, such as McDonald’s. But ACE has also approved a handful of MOOCs for credit recommendations. (The National College Credit Recommendation Service plays a similar role.)
- The excitement about course-based academic reviews is interesting to Deb Adair, managing director and chief planning officer for Quality Matters, a Maryland-based nonprofit group. Quality Matters has conducted certification reviews for almost 5,000 online courses during the last decade.
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"They will earn salaries that are lower than what assistant professors make at many traditional institutions. And although they will have some hand in guiding the curriculum and in making academic policy, they will not serve as a significant check on administrative power."
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Programs | The Quality Collaboratives | Degree Qualifications Profile
DQP draft version 2.0 open for public comment until March 15 | Lumina Foundation
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National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment
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Saturday, May 3, 2014
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: The danger of a single story | Talk Video | TED.com
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The Landing: Connectivism: a learning theory or a theory of how to learn?
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"Future-Focused Leadership: Three Mega-Trends Influencing Distance Lear" by Connie I. Reimers-Hild
Why #NetNeutrality Matters to Higher Ed – ProfHacker - Blogs - The Chronicle of Higher Education
Panel Is Split on Distance-Education Rule - Government - The Chronicle of Higher Education
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Gallup-Purdue study will measure graduates' quality of life outcomes | Inside Higher Ed
Are We Who We Think We Are? ePortfolios as a Tool for Curriculum Redesign | The Sloan Consortium
tags: eportfolios curriculum redesign OMDE670
tags: acceptance delivery higher education research learning technology DETC630
Wake Forest U. tries to measure well-being | Inside Higher Ed
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