Wikipedia:Student assignments - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
State Department Hosts 'MOOC Camp' for Online Learners - US News
When It Comes to Mentoring, the More the Merrier | Vitae
- There are a few reasons why many colleges take such a flawed approach to mentoring. First, it’s invisible, time-intensive, and unrewarded labor.
- In a context of shrinking resources and greater expectations, it can quickly fall to the bottom of a busy professor’s priority list.
- Pearson, the publishing heavyweight that now calls itself “the world’s leading learning company,” announced on Thursday that it would follow Mozilla’s creation last year of an open standard for badges that recognize educational or professional achievement by offering a proprietary badge platform based on Mozilla’s standards.
Online learning startup Curious.com raises $15M - Silicon Valley Business Journal
Pinterest The Fastest Growing Social Sharing Channel Of 2013 [Infographic]
What Is the Long Tail? - Long Tail Theory - Google SEO
"Wired article"
UF Online: What it is and what it isn't | e-Literatee-Literate
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
NMC Horizon Report > 2014 Higher Education Edition | The New Media Consortium
tags: horizon report NMC technology highered
MOOCs, Trust, and the Signature Track – #FutureEd - Blogs - The Chronicle of Higher Education
tags: signature track coursera higher education DETC630 DEPM622
- the trust is formed by the associations with big named professors or universities.
- Rather, MOOCs are trading in something that has already been institutionalized socially as extremely valuable: education from reputable institutions and professors.
- People want to give personally identifiable information to those types of institutions if it means they can get closer to the social capital they provide their students.
tags: online online learning Internet opportunities creativity teacher
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
Three Social Trends That Will Influence Education in 2014 | online learning insights
tags: trends socialmedia 2014
The Great Tech War Of 2012 | Fast Company | Business + Innovation
tags: great war business innovation facebook google apple amazon
Game-based learning: special edition of the ETS journal
tags: learning special edition journal gaming ETS DETC630 gamification
It's Time for a New Definition of Accreditation - Commentary - The Chronicle of Higher Education
tags: accreditation academic-freedom higher education chronicle regulation government funding commentary
- Quality assurance suggests a goal that can be evaluated and distinguished from comparable applications.
- Those in the academic world know full well that agreement on what constitutes quality in almost any discipline is virtually impossible
- The concept of accountability for performance is often viewed as a threat to academic freedom
- Do we have any idea left of what to expect of a person who holds an undergraduate degree?
- many challenges to both inputs and outputs of colleges and universities call into question the level of “quality” to which we aspire.
- Accreditation is not voluntary. It is not nongovernmental. It does not demonstrably provide definable quality assurance. It is overly keyed to an institution’s mission, making impossible some generic meaning of what a college or graduate is. And the underlying purpose—to maintain college independence through self-regulation and accountability—is seriously undermined, if not already at an end.
- Questions related to the core of campus life—educational process, the faculty, curricula, student services, and academic freedom—will receive short shrift by all sides. Lacking, above all, will be any consensus on what to do.
- The essence of a renewed definition of accreditation repudiates the academic myth of the separation of politics and education and openly acknowledges a constant tension between the political processes of government and the traditional academic belief in a (nonexistent) self-regulating academy.
- Change must come mainly from accreditation, finding ways to clarify its operations and heighten colleges’ accountability. The bottom line of defense remains concentrating on institutional autonomy, curriculum control, and academic freedom.
tags: higher ed lms canvas landscape DETC630
- The bigger change in the market might be the clear direction of mainline LMS providers towards becoming learning platforms that act as the hub of an ecosystem of learning applications.
- I do not believe that the LMS is a commodity – which LMS a school selects can make a real, long-term impact. I also believe that schools should not ignore the trajectory of the various providers.
6 Free Sites for Creating Your Own Animations
tags: animation web2.0 DETT607 DETC630
ePortfolios as Badges - A Badge System Design for Learning by Creating | HASTAC
tags: library libguides module online learning development workplace DETT621
tags: library module intellectual intellectual property distance education DETT611 libguides
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Weekly Sporto bookmarks (weekly)
Antivirus, Audio & Music, Backup/Storage - The Best Free Web Apps of 2013 | PCMag.com
Mozilla Open Badges Blog — Open Badges MOOC Session Summaries
Sugata Mitra: The child-driven education | Video on TED.com
"Education scientist Sugata Mitra tackles one of the greatest problems of education -- the best teachers and schools don't exist where they're needed most. In a series of real-life experiments from New Delhi to South Africa to Italy, he gave kids self-supervised access to the web and saw results that could revolutionize how we think about teaching."
tags: video ted education sugata children collaboration selfdirectedlearning self-direct self organizing system OMDE601 OMDE603 DETC630 OMDE670 K-12 DEPM625
Title needs to change!
tags: library module libguides MDE-Required distance education UMUC training learning emerging emerging-technologies DETC630
tags: library module libguides MDE-Required distance education UMUC training learning multimedia DETC620
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tags: library module distance education UMUC MDE-Required learner support training OMDE608
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tags: guide distance education UMUC library libguides MDE-Required OMDE601
tags: guide distance education UMUC library MDE-Required libguides
Bypassing the Textbook: Video Games Transform Social Studies Curriculcum | MindShift
tags: social studies gaming gamification video games videogames DETC630
Navigating the Waves: Curtailing Fear while Managing the LMS Migration | The EvoLLLution
tags: evolllution LMS Porto Hawken migration DETC630 DEPM622 DEPM604
tags: stanford economist elite colleges credit MOOC moocs higher education chronicle
Transactional Distance among Open University Students: How Does it Affect the Learning Process?
"Transactional Distance among Open University Students: How Does it Affect the Learning Process?"
Digital Practices and Literacy Identities: Preservice Teachers...
Alternate Reality Games in the Classroom – ProfHacker - Blogs - The Chronicle of Higher Education
tags: alternate reality games classroom higher education chronicle DETC630
Design and Development of a Self-Assessment Tool and Investigating its Effectiveness for E-Learning
tags: european journal design on e-learning design self-assessment effectiveness
tags: digital prensky web2.0 digital immigrant digital natives
The Future of Thinking: Learning Institutions in a Digital Age
tags: mit FutureofEducation future of education digital literacy DETC630 OMDE610
e-learning trends from South Africa
tags: south south africa africa trends Bates
Colleges Pitch Possible Experiments With Competency-Based Programs | Inside Higher Ed
tags: colleges experiments programs competency-based learning